
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Kim Boudreau Smith
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Kim Boudreau Smith is a
multi-talented CEO and business leader with a legacy of empowering thousands of
women through her varied business endeavors. From a corporate background in
sales and marketing, Kim has gone on to trail-blaze a path for other women
entrepreneurs to follow in. As a #1 international best-selling author, 6-time
international best-selling author and business coach, Kim is passionate about putting
her success to use in passing on the wisdom she’s gained from carving out
thriving businesses in a number of industries. As CEO of Kim Boudreau Smith and
KBS Publishing, her international speaking and coaching work has enabled
millions of women to benefit from her inspirational and empowering business
strategy, designed specifically for women business owners. She enjoys nothing
more than hosting events and bringing women together to create more visibility
and networking opportunities. Kim is also the CEO and founder of Bold Radio
Station, an elite platform for women to market their businesses and to use
their voice of knowledge and experience to make an impact around the world.
Kim thrives in helping other women to get their business organized by setting
structures and processes in place that allow them to take on more clients and
empower others in doing so.
Kim recognized her unique motivational abilities during her career in corporate
America, where she enabled teams to implement training procedures, expand local
and regional territories and increase sales by more than 300 percent. With her
life coaching certification from The International Coaching Academy, Kim now
combines her expertise and experience with a passion to teach, motivate and
inspire other women to become “top producers in their lives”. Forging new
partnerships with other women worldwide, offers great reward, along with seeing
her clients achieve the new levels of success they deserve and are wholly
capable of, once they commit to making it happen. Intuitive, playful, yet
View more about Kim at her LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimboudreausmith